Of course I would like to have wealth and lots of pairs of socks and clean underwear and a cello banjo and renown and to have made my mark on the world. I know I can't have them all every day...but on good days I have some of them, or one. Today was a good day, because I helped make a little tiny mark on the world.
The matter was the documentation and onscreen texts for a little application someone has made for mobile devices. It's an earnest effort, and was being handicapped by the somewhat shaky English of the app's description and instructions. I was happy to spend a few hours suggesting alternatives, and today I see the revised text in the online store. The app's creator is happy, and presumably the app's users are less mystified.
Your day has its little victories, too, and as I cherish quiet delight in mine I hope you do in yours. You can build an interesting and useful life by carefully piling up many, many, little tiny victories; and for most of us the chance to operate on a larger scale comes rarely.
Onward, now. I have another editing task: the second part of a children's book about a woman in West Africa and an elephant caught in a trap. I can't wait to see how it (the book, the elephant; maybe both) comes out!
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